6) Update on Street Projects in progress.
semi long discussion on the street projects....Line 17 and North McCullough is behind schedule due to the rainy conditions, 4 inches of recycled caliche have been laid, tomorrow they will start laying the driveway pipes (weather permitting of course).
Weather permitting, the new estimated completion date is XMAS time.
A question was asked regarding the equipment/machine the city acquired for pothole repair a while back. Apparently, the equipment is broke and the city is waiting for the part from a company from, I believe, in Mercedes. The part is back-ordered. I remember when the street sweeper broke down; it was a very long time before it went back into service. Time will tell.
Ms. Leal, the engineer for the firm contracted to coordinate the street repairs on Travis, Shafer, and North McCullough cleared the confusion among the City Commission regarding the $24,000 "change order" approved in a prior CC meeting. The explanation
was long but it made sense to me. The bottom line is a "change order" was approved; something that Commissioner JD Gonzalez said previously he did not believe in.
Regarding Shafer Road; the city is still waiting for the gas company to finish their work. If I remember correctly from prior meetings, the gas company is replacing the gas pipes.
8) Consideration and action on approval of Lease Agreement extension to Neighbors In Need of Services, Inc. (NINOS) for the Azteca Building at 402 West Robertson and 150 West Francis Street.
I was expecting this decision by the CC because they do this every time the lease is up for renewal.
Commissioner JD Gonzalez motioned to approve and the rest of the CC approved leasing both city owned buildings to NINOS for the grand total of "$1.00 per year".
It is so easy when it is not money out of your own pocket!! The city commission needs to treat city "taxpayer owned" property as a "business" and run the city as a business.
But, "It is what it is!"
9) Consideration and action on payment of Invoice from Cruz-Hogan consultants, Inc. on the San Benito Water Treatment Plant No. 2. Micro Filtration Membrane Failure Analysis and Report in the amount of $25,350
After discussion in Executive Session, this item was TABLED.
I believe it is a 77 page report. I don't know if the city requested the report but if the city did request the report, the city has no choice but to pay for the report.
Remember that Cruz/Hogan and associates were under contract with the city and were on a $2,000 per month retainer until September 2014 to provide engineering services to the city.
It is a complete mess.
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