Friday, July 4, 2014

RECAP City Commission Mtg. 1-July-2014

6) Presentation on activities by David Allex on Cameron County Regional Mobility Authority

8) Presentation by Public Works Director on the in house Street projects in progress.
    City Crew is working on Line 17. Working on the drainage, subgrade, and laying the lime in two weeks.

11. Presentation on update of Medical Cost Projection for the city of San Benito Employees.

    TML (Texas Municipal League) is implementing a 7% increase in insurance costs for employees; apparently the city has a high cost ratio (many insurance claims).  The city is asking that the taxpayers pay the increase.

12) Consideration & action for approval of the recommendations from the Community Development Citizens Advisory Committee for funding Allocations of the CDBG Funding Year 2014-2015.

 Community Development Block Grant Program 2014-2015    

19) Consideration and action on re-appointment or appointment of the following boards:
1.  Board of Adjustment  2. Economic Development 3. Planning & Zoning 4. CDBG 5. Special Events Board. 6) Utility Board 7 Veterans Board.

Even though Mayor Celeste Sanchez won the election with a huge vote margin, the City Commission have decided to deny her appointees to some boards. It was really pathetic watching acting in such a petty manner. 

22) consideration and action authorizing the City Manager, or his designee, to execute a prefessional services contract with Coym, Rehmet & Gutierrez Engineering, L.P. to complete a Texas Water Development Board funding applications as follows:

  a) Reveiw, prioritize and recommend amendments to the City's Texas Water Development Board SFY 2014 Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Intended Use Plan.

  b) Review funding options and implementation schedules with Texas Water Development Board.

  c) Prepare and submit a funding application to the Texas Water Development Board for Water Improvements.

The City Commission members denied this action. I don't think they even know how important this is.



Cameron Citizens Against Fraudulent Elections (CAFE) said...

Amigos Del Valle is a corporate nonprofit that receives huge Federal monies to help the elderly! They have over $10 million dollars in assets according to their IRS forms. They have more than one corporation and own property all over 2 counties. Why in the HELL is the City giving these people a dime?? Could it be that the City Manager and his crack assistant Jalamo are on the board of directors of Amigos?? More pigs feeding at the public trough! They already get a deal on rent at the Community Building yet serve precious few elderly people. Any way you cut it, STUPID. Give the monies to the Food Pantry that has no administrative costs, is run by the church ladies and struggles to make ends meet every month!

Resaca City said...

STUPID is the correct word. I made the same points you made to the CC during the public comments during last years CDBG allocation. I asked Mayor Joe Hernandez why these organizations were paying almost nothing for renting the city owned buildings.

The rent for the use of the Azteca building is $1.00 per year. Even at that, they haven't paid it for years. Nobody from the City Commission was willing to reply.

It will continue to happen until more people speak up.