Wednesday, January 22, 2014

City Commission Recap Jan 21, 2014

I will cover just the main ones………

8) Presentation of an update report on Street Projects in progress.

Work on Julian Street to begin on Thursday, Jan 23rd, weather permitting. Franklin Street to get a 2nd seal coat.

The Mayor suggested that once work on Julian Street is completed he wants a photo op for the entire commission.  Can you tell it is an election year?

9) Consideration and action on the Resaca Trail lighting fixtures. 

There was a long discussion on this agenda item. The commission approved going with the solar decorative lights. The Resaca Trail is approximately 2.75 miles and the plan is to install 132 Greenway Pathway Lights at a cost of $4,620 per pole for a projected total Project Cost of $609,840

The question still remains as to how the city plans to pay or fund this project. It was reported that the city has submitted a grant application to AEP for the project. If a grant is not retained, it will be funded by taxes.

I have a photograph of what the Pathway Lights look like and I will post the photo when I get a chance.
However, I believe this is the one Greenway Pathway Lights.

13. Consideration & action on approval of Order of Election for the May 10, 2014 General Election for the election of the Mayor and two Commissioners Place 1 and Place 2.

The election is now set and since Cameron County will have two separate elections at different times to cover with their voting machines and not enough leeway time to reprogram and test the machines, the City will have to lease the voting machines from Election Systems and Software (ES&S).

17. Consideration and action on possibly hiring a permanent City Engineer.

This is “Déjà vu” all over again. I can’t remember how many times this has been brought up. Something tells me a “blast from the past” will be hired again. Anyway, the search is on again for a “permanent” City Engineer.

18. EXECUTIVE SESSION:  ……….to deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer. 

(a) City Manager’s evaluation.

No action was taken!

19. Consideration and action on the creation of a Switchboard Operator position.

This is an “unbudgeted position” but since there is nobody to answer the phone at the front desk all calls go to “the machine” or is answered by whoever is walking by the front desk phone, usually it is the CDBG Coordinator or the Public Relations officer.

The agenda item was tabled until the Commission receives a complete report on how much the position is going to be paid and what the qualifications are for the position. Apparently, blanket approval was being requested without backup material included in the commission agenda packet.

When a commissioner inquired as to where the funding was coming from to fund the new position, (if I remember correctly) all I heard is that since the City is making money from providing management support to the EDC, the funds are available for the position.


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