Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Mayor's 'Raspagate' leads to citywide crackdown in San Benito

In case you missed the broadcast news last night on KGBT 4 here is the link...

Mayor's "RaspaGate" leads to citywide crackdown in San Benito

h/t to twitter.com/ryanwolf


Anonymous said...

Why did it take a news story for the city manager to finally address this? Didn't any one in the city know he was doing it for almost a year? How can that be possible? Need to replace the mayor on down.

R. L. Garcia said...

Hmmm. Violations are over $1,000 a day. The way I calculate it, someone owes the City about $300,000! SO when a City official doesn't like the rules he first violates them, and THEN tries to RETROACTIVELY change them?? AND then try RAISE the rates on Winter Texans? WHAT a mess.