Saturday, April 20, 2013

DRAFT Chamber of Commerce CONTRACT with the City of San Benito

Here is the DRAFT Chamber of Commerce contract with the City of San Benito!

It is what is called a "reimbursable contract". The Chamber will be "reimbursed" for expenses that are refundable per the contract. There is no "here is the money" spend it as you wish!

It was reported at the City Commission that the "elected terms" of the Board of Directors for the Chamber have expired. They are elected by the members of the Chamber, of which there are none right now since dues have not been collected since there is nobody in charge.

I don't totally agree with it but it is better than the way it was before with no accountability for the monthly check.

I still want to know what happen to the money the Chamber received between July 2012 and January 2013 when there was no Chamber of Commerce Director!

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