Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Sample BALLOTS - May 12 Election

I got a copy of the "Sample Ballot" for the upcoming City Election on May 12, 2012.

Read it from here or on the link on the side banner.

My recommendation is to vote "YES" on all the proposed Charter Amendments!

We need to move San Benito away from the past and forward with the City Commission working as a "TEAM" representing all of San Benito.

These City Charter amendments will do that!

1 comment:

Resaca City said...

That is the beauty of living in a “Democracy”. You have that freedom!

Just remember that the Mayor thinks we are a “Kingdom” and he is the “King”. He has publicly said twice that the City Commission should not have the same power as the Mayor. When he was removed from office for not paying his property taxes, he also publicly stated that he had been removed from his “throne”!

The City Commissioners were also elected by a majority and should share in the appointment process.

SB is the only city in the entire state of Texas where the Mayor has sole responsibility for determining what names are submitted for a vote by the entire CC.

If you have read the Charter Amendments and decided not to vote for a change, I thank you for at least reading them and then deciding!

Sad to say, but our City will never see real progress if we keep electing the same “clique” and recycling the same citizens in committees and boards.

Thank You!