Saturday, April 14, 2012

City Commission Agenda Tuesday April 17th

The City Commission has scheduled an Executive Session to discuss the complaint filed against Mayor Joe Hernandez.

However, they conveniently did not include an agenda item for discussion or action on what is discussed in the Executive Session. As the Church Lady would say on SNL, "Isn't that Special!"

"Transparency in Government" has become a lost and forgotten concept at City Hall!

City Agenda


Nick Penny said...

Come on Joe, tell us what you think! Do you agree with the VMS story by your friend Fernando that the RaspaGate investigation is over? Do you BELIEVE that garbage?

Jose F. Rodriguez said...

"Internal Investigations" aren't worth the paper they are written on! It should have been an "External Investigation!"

It is a fact that Joe profited (rent and utility sharing) by allowing a mobile stand to locate on his property!

I am working on a letter to the editor! Maybe by next weekends SBNews edition.

In answer to your question, NO, I don't believe that garbish (garbage and rubbish combined)!