Tuesday, September 9, 2014

PEG Channel DENIED by Commissioners JD Gonzalez, Jd Penny, Rene Villafranco

Unfortunately for the citizens of San Benito, the "triumvirate" that is composed of Commissioners JD Gonzalez, JD Penny, and Rene Villafranco, who were OPPOSED to the idea of a PEG Channel from the very beginning back in March, have succeeded to remove the PEG Channel proposal from the Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2014-15, even after the budget was already balanced with the savings generated with the elimination of one of the positions of Assistant City Mangager due to Mr. Jalomo's retirement.

In my humble opinion and as one experienced in Information Technology, the Comissioner's rationale for denial were not valid at all; they were more "excuses" than "rationale". However, I will reserve some comments until a later time when I can go into more detail.

If approval had been granted and once the hardware was purchased and installed, the "live streaming" of the City Commission meetings or any other city meeting would have commenced immediately to ANYBODY with ACCESS to the INTERNET, not necessarily cable subscriber. All a citizen would warrant or require is internet access.

Bottom line, they are adamantly opposed to the idea of the City Commission meetings being live streamed or taped.

Still stuck in the 1990's!!


Anonymous said...

What do they want to hide or continue hiding ?

Anonymous said...

This is off the subject. But when is the CITY CODE OF ETHICS going to get approved ? It's been in the works for years. Can't the COMMISSIONERS come to an agreement or they don't want to. To me they just want to be running FREE.